Systems Biology of Single Cells 2025 will tackle some of the most challenging questions in single-cell biology today. How do we develop conceptual theories of cell state dynamics? How do we integrated and scale multi-omic and spatial data to the atlas scale? How do we control and engineer cells for therapeutics? By bringing together this breadth of systems biology — from algorithms to synthetic cells — we will forge paths forward to new discovery.
The scientific organizing committee consists of Adam MacLean(Quantitative and Computational Biology, USC), Zixuan Cang (Mathematics, NCSU) and Katie Galloway (Chemical Engineering, MIT).
Venue: Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences & Engineering
Registration Deadline: March 28, 2025
The price for registration is $100USD. Registration includes 1) full access to all conference sessions, 2) breakfast, lunch, and refreshments for both days, 3) conference reception and dinner